A bittersweet so long . . .
This is a letter of both Letting Go and Beginning Again. Both bring tears of bittersweetness to me. Pain and peace wrapped together in a bundle of hope for what's to come. 
I have made the very difficult decision to sell our sweet home Alabama. For a number of reasons that make sense, but don't erase the heartbreak I feel inside. 
New beginnings always bring about some sort of ending, tethered to an unavoidable wince.
Right now I'm in full blown wince.
We recetnly closed on the sale of our beautiful home in Mentone, Alabama, a place we've all come to know as Little River Harmony, one of my favorite places in the world. 
As time marched on, it had gotten increasingly more difficult for me to maintain our home away from home. More than 500 miles away, the 9 hour trek each way has taken its toll. 
Our family has enjoyed so many amazing memories in the 17 years since we broke ground on our log home dream. 
But sometimes you just have to make a hard decision to move on….
The good news is that this beautiful log home will continue to offer up a place of peace and harmony for you. The new owners plan to continue the tradition of hosting wonderful families and groups like your's for many years to come. Contact me for more info.
It has been the kind and loving people like you that have helped us make Little River Harmony what it is today. A place bursting with joyful memories for hundreds of sweet people with many more to come.
Please stay in touch. I would love to hear from you. 
Little River Harmony

A bittersweet so long.